27 de dez. de 2015

Why 2015 was the year for payments

2015 was definitely the year for payments.  The sector saw transaction volumes grow an average of nine percent. New players like Apple joined the game.  Others like Samsung and Google limbered up on the touchline. The fintech trend really swept the tech sector.

23 de dez. de 2015

The ROI of Conversion Optimization for ecommerce

This post is written by Ramon Bez, a growth engineer at TourRadar, a travel e-commerce company. They are users of Compass. In e-commerce, an overall conversion rate of 1% is considered average. But that means 99% of the people who come through the door leave without purchasing anything.

18 de dez. de 2015

10 passos para explicar o que é bitcoin na Ceia de Natal

Uma importante data para a indústria Bitcoin aproxima-se. Em julho de 2016, quando a tecnologia completar oito anos de vida, […]

17 de dez. de 2015

Internet of Things (IoT) Market Ecosystem Map — Medium

Some caveats before we dive into the analysis.

Rewiring Industries: 100 IoT Startups Disrupting Auto, Healthcare, Energy, And More

Internet of Things startups have attracted over $7.4B in cumulative investment over 887 deals since 2010. From auto and healthcare, to insurance and heavy industry, the IoT is weaving together connected devices and objects to transform how whole industries work.

16 de dez. de 2015

An Alternative to Board Decks Some Seed VCs Actually Prefer

Over the summer, based on feedback from our portfolio and the broader startup community, NextView created pre-formatted board deck templates for seed-stage startups — part of our Growth Guides series. Included in that deck was something that caught some folks by surprise.

7 de dez. de 2015

Tech in Latin America: All the news you shouldn’t miss from the past month

November was an interesting month for anyone curious about Latin America’s tech scene — not only because of the usual funding events and expansions, but also because of some changes that may have a lasting effect on the region’s ecosystem.

6 de dez. de 2015

Já tem o seu modelo de negócio? Veja uma análise dos principais modelos e seus maiores desafios

Durante a Conferência Nacional da Anjos do Brasil, que aconteceu essa semana em São Paulo, Pedro Waengertner, Fundador da aceleradora Aceleratech, fez uma análise dos principais modelos de negócios e seus desafios.

3 de dez. de 2015


CHICAGO — December 1, 2015–Basecamp is now a $100 billion dollar company, according to a group of investors who have agreed to purchase 0.000000001% of the company in exchange for $1. Founder Jason Fried informed his employees about the new deal at a recent company-wide meeting.

30 de nov. de 2015


Há pouco mais de um mês no comando do Ministério de Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação, Celso Pansera afirmou nesta sexta-feira, 27, que se comprometerá a manter vivo o programa Startup Brasil, iniciativa que não abriu novas turmas em 2015.

29 de nov. de 2015

Bitcoin in a Suit: Why the Tech's Big Battle is Already Won

John Biggs is a New York-based writer. After spending years as a programmer, Biggs decided to become a full-time journalist. His work has appeared in publications such as the New York Times, Gizmodo and Men's Health. Biggs is currently an editor for TechCrunch.

27 de nov. de 2015

REDE LAAS INVESTE NA JOB FOR MODEL atraves do Early Access da Aceleratech

A LAAS com a sua rede de investidores, atraves o Early Access, um programa coordenado pela Aceleratech, acabou de formalizar a participaçao na captaçao da empresa JOB FOR MODEL. O Job for Model é uma plataforma online http://ift.tt/1Ng1IH0 que conecta empresas a modelos profissionais.

21 de nov. de 2015

Empreendedora brasileira vence disputa do Google

San Francisco (EUA) - O Google anunciou nesta quarta-feira o nome de 11 empresas emergentes lideradas por mulheres, que apresentarão seus projetos no Vale do Silício à investidores em dezembro, entre as quais está uma empreendedora brasileira.

18 de nov. de 2015

Our guide to marketplaces

At Version One, we love marketplaces. Just look at our portfolio, and you’ll understand how important we think marketplaces are to the future of commerce. Over the past year, we have focused much of our blog content on helping marketplace founders build their companies.

13 de nov. de 2015

4 motivos para sua empresa adotar a Arbitragem Online

Para aqueles que não sabem, se você ou sua empresa tem um conflito com alguém, ao invés de entrar com um processo no judiciário, vocês podem resolvê-lo por meio da arbitragem.

Eric Ries, autor de Lean Startup, fala com exclusividade para empreendedores brasileiros

EXCLUSIVO: Esse ano a HSM Expomanagement, maior evento de gestão da América Latina, teve um espaço dedicado apenas para empreendedorismo e inovação, o Innovation Garage e quem ficou responsável pela curadoria de conteúdo durante os três dias de evento foi a Aceleratech – uma das mais imp

11 de nov. de 2015

Redpoint Joint Venture in Brazil Adds Romero Rodrigues, a Top Entrepreneur

RIO DE JANEIRO — Redpoint eventures, a joint effort between Redpoint Ventures and e.ventures of Silicon Valley, has added Romero Rodrigues, one of Brazil’s best-known Internet entrepreneurs, as a full-time general partner. In 1998, as a university student in São Paulo, Brazil, Mr.

7 de nov. de 2015

Tech in Latin America: All the news you shouldn’t miss from the past month

October was a busy month in Latin America’s tech scene, with a larger number of acquisitions and funding rounds than usual — a welcome respite from the macroeconomic problems in several countries.

4 de nov. de 2015


The Tech Bust of 2015

Maybe instead of a tech bubble, we’re in a tech bust.  No one seems to fervently believe tech valuations are cheap, so it’d be somewhat surprising if we were in a bubble.  In many parts of the market, valuations seem too cheap.

3 de nov. de 2015

Millennial entrepreneurs may be delusional, new study finds

Young entrepreneurs may be twice as ambitious as their older counterparts about the growth potential of their businesses, and four times as likely to hire staff, but this could mean they are delusional rather than talented.

31 de out. de 2015

The Global Landscape of Blockchain Companies in Financial Services

FinTech has certainly made a dent in the Financial Services space, while many banks continue to be oblivious to its growth, continuing to treat FinTech startups like strange beasts that need to be examined and observed, instead of followed or emulated.

Drone Startups and Investors’ Landscape — Point Nine Land — Medium

In recent times, investing in hardware startups used to be a no go for VCs and angels. Their challenges are well known: they are intensive in capital, complex to run operationally, have lower margins than software, etc.

27 de out. de 2015

Why Hiring is So Hard in Tech

Skills gap: By 2020, there will be more than one million unfilled programming jobs. We need better tech education. Recruiters charge 20% — 25% of the recruit’s annual salary. Startups quickly hire in-house recruiters in an effort to save money.

The One Method I’ve Used to Eliminate Bad Tech Hires

This is a guest post by Amir Yasin, the CTO and Co-Founder of June. (originally posted on Medium) Let’s be real. Interviews are a terrible way to hire tech candidates. Not only do you not get a real sense of the candidate, they often weed out good candidates in favor of bad ones.

Why VCs don’t invest in “good” companies

Every VC says they are looking for great Founders that are solving real problems in big markets. So why is it that so many “good” companies that seemingly meet these requirements still fail to raise money from VCs? Venture Capital is a hits driven business, with ~4.

18 de out. de 2015

What 2016 Holds for Bitcoin Businesses

Charlie Woolnough is a co-founder of CoinCorner, a consumer-focused bitcoin services business. In this article, he gives his view on the current state of the bitcoin industry and what companies in the space should expect from next year. The bitcoin industry is still years away from maturity.

The Hostile Email Landscape

Email perfectly embodies the spirit of the internet: independent mail hosts exchanging messages, no host more or less important than any other. Joining the network is as easy as installing Sendmail and slapping on an MX record. At least, that used to be the case.

11 de out. de 2015

inSites are smart, personalized recipes that automatically change your WordPress website at predetermined trigger points.

It’s that simple. Ready in under 5 min.NO coding. Before Duda’s inSite, we simply would not have had access to the technology needed to present website visitors with such a personalized experience.The huge increase in engagement is just astonishing.

4 de out. de 2015

New articles written by Anna Heim...

NEWS ABOUT YOUR NETWORK: Latin American tech news roundup: September By Anna Heim thenextweb.com · 1 hour ago Latin American tech news roundup: September Latin American tech news roundup: September The connection between Argentina and bitcoin is quite an interesting one: “With its volatile currency and dysfunctional banks, the country is the perfect place to experiment with a new digital currency,” The New York Times stated a few months ago in ... Share:

29 de set. de 2015

A fase 1 foi completada

No Brasil, de cada 250 a 350 startups que apresentam seus projetos, uma consegue aprovação do investidor e recebe aporte de recursos. É uma “peneira” similar à de países onde a indústria do empreendedorismo está bem enraizada, como os Estados Unidos.

26 de set. de 2015

SLA: o inimigo número 1 do bom atendimento

Qual a coisa que mais destrói a reputação de uma empresa? Fácil: o mau atendimento, principalmente em empresas de serviços. Aliás, empresas de telecom e de software são famosíssimas por serem odiadas em função do seu péssimo suporte ao cliente.

25 de set. de 2015

World Economic Forum Survey Projects Blockchain 'Tipping Point' by 2023

The World Economic Forum (WEF) has identified blockchain technology as one of its six mega-trends in a new report broadly aimed at outlining the expected transition to a more digital and connected world.

24 de set. de 2015

What Happens Next Will Amaze You

This is the text version of a talk I gave on September 14, 2015, at the FREMTIDENS INTERNET conference in Copenhagen, Denmark. Good morning!

22 de set. de 2015

Startup lança aplicação gratuita para gerenciar obras

Lançada em 2014 pelos empreendedores alagoanos Ralph Vasco e Marcelo Menezes, a startup Stant ganhou um investimento-anjo da Intercement, empresa do ramo de cimento, para ampliar o alcance de seu aplicativo. Os empreendedores não revelam o valor do aporte.

7 de set. de 2015


Have an existing product and use Stripe? Bumpsale lets you sell something and after each purchase have the price increase by an amount you choose. Wanna see Bumpsale in action?Check out our sweet demo!

12 de ago. de 2015

Talking point

Debate over blockchain technology is raging in many online and offline media at present. In principle, the technology constitutes a decentralised ledger system that can be coordinated via peer-to-peer (P2P) networks.

30 de jul. de 2015

First Round 10 Year Project

Ten years is a long time. When we started First Round in 2005 with the idea to fill the gap between individual angel investing and Series A investing, many on Sand Hill Road dismissed our model as a “cute” novelty. Boy how times have changed.

The $0 Marketing Stack

Hotjar v1See how your visitors are really using your site – for free Web

28 de jul. de 2015

Mockaroo - Random Data Generator | CSV / JSON / SQL / Excel

If you're developing an application, you'll want to make sure you're testing it under conditions that closely simulate a production environment. In production, you'll have an army of users banging away at your app and filling your database with data, which puts stress on your code.

24 de jul. de 2015

20 de jul. de 2015

16 de jul. de 2015

How To Obliterate A Multi-Million-Dollar Fundraising Process During Due Diligence

As soon as you capture the attention of a VC, they’re going to start performing the “due diligence” required to justify the investment. This is when the investor checks into the bold claims you have made about the size of your market opportunity and your work experience.

Bitcoin Trends In The First Half Of 2015

It’s already past the halfway mark in 2015 and we thought it would be a good time to provide an overview of the trends that we’re seeing in Bitcoin this year.

15 de jul. de 2015

Quantifying the VC life (and my inbox)

The comment has been sitting with me for some weeks, so I figured I would try to use some proper data to validate his comment on the VC lifestyle and hopefully provide some ideas for entrepreneurs on how to rise above the noise.

PSA: Email Introduction Etiquette – Always Always Always Use the Double Opt-In Intro

If you are introducing two people without using a double opt-in intro, you have a high likelihood of being a terrible person.  Yup – I said it.

12 de jul. de 2015

Nova função do Facebook vai mudar completamente como você usa a rede

SÃO PAULO - O Facebook anunciou uma mudança nesta quinta-feira (9) que poderá mudar a forma que você usa a rede social. A partir de agora você poderá personalizar o seu feed de notícias, para mostrar as notícias e postagem que mais importam para você.

10 de jul. de 2015

ABComm repudia diretriz da Febraban que acaba com o boleto sem cobrança de emissão

A Associação Brasileira de Comércio Eletrônico (ABComm) repudia a diretriz da Febraban (Federação Brasileira de Bancos) que acaba com os boletos sem registro e que não possuem custo de emissão.

Free Icon Packs by First-Class Designers.

+ SubmitFree Icon Packs by First-Class Designers.

6 de jul. de 2015

Home - Aboardly

Email automation made simple Send emails to your customers triggered by their interactions (or lack thereof) with your business Sign up, it's free How does it work? Emails get sent based on the rules you specify Create different recipes such as Welcoming, Offboarding or Discount codes When us

5 de jul. de 2015

Why Bitcoin Matters

Editor’s note: Marc Andreessen’s venture capital firm, Andreessen Horowitz, has invested just under $50 million in Bitcoin-related start-ups. The firm is actively searching for more Bitcoin-based investment opportunities. He does not personally own more than a de minimis amount of Bitcoin.

1 de jul. de 2015

State of Mobile Commerce Report

Jonathan is responsible for Criteo's product. He joined Criteo in early 2009 as Chief Buying Officer, where he built the publisher facing business and ran the buy-side product.

Nine Fiverr Gigs That Save me $6,642 per Month

Over the past 14 months, I've spent $5,008.50 on Fiverr. That’s more than 1,000 gigs. Five-thousand dollars seems like a lot to spend on Fiverr, right?

25 de jun. de 2015

What noticeable exits has Brazil seen in recent years?

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18 de jun. de 2015

Grandes empresas saem à caça de startups

São Paulo - Os cerca de 300 corretores da incorporadora Tecnisa, em São Paulo, passaram anos enchendo seus carros com catálogos dos imóveis à venda — o que geralmente resultava em bagunça, papéis amassados e perda de tempo.

Legislação de Estágio

Estagiários convocados para trabalhar nas eleições!

17 de jun. de 2015

Como demitir um funcionário da melhor maneira.

Quem já foi desligado de um emprego sabe o quanto pode ser desconfortável e triste ficar sabendo de uma notícia como essa.

12 de jun. de 2015

$10 Billion

Ten years after the seed accelerator model was pioneered, Seed-DB has now identified over $10 billion that has been invested in accelerator graduates.

6 de jun. de 2015

6WunderKinder’s exit is a Triple Wake Up Call

Today is an important day for the European technology landscape. As my friend Amir Mizroch reported in the WSJ, 6Wunderkinder GmbH (maker of WunderList) was acquired by Microsoft for a price rumored to be between $100M and $200M.

How Ever-Higher Valuations Lead Unicorns Into A Cycle Of Private Capital Dependency

Unicorns and dragons have become so ubiquitous that some argue investing in these companies is the only way for VCs to survive. This phenomenon makes for excellent entertainment, and for some either incredibly lucky or prophetic investors, there are billions of dollars to be made.

31 de mai. de 2015

The Metrics Every Entrepreneur Should Know by Heart

Most startup investors look for entrepreneurs who know their business inside and out. Historical financials are rarely a good predictor of future startup success, but entrepreneurs’ understanding of their financials and key metrics can be.

Millennials Are Destroying Banks, And It’s The Banks’ Fault

Millennials are rejecting home ownership across the land. Millennials aren’t buying crap anymore, destroying businesses that, well, sell crap. Millennials are changing the workplace to be, I kid you not, more friendly to “millennial values.

30 de mai. de 2015

2015 Internet Trends — Kleiner Perkins Caufield Byers

We publish the Internet Trends report on an annual basis, but on occasion will highlight new insights. We will post any updates, revisions, or clarifications here.

27 de mai. de 2015

Startup Lawyer | Startup Law Glossary

-#- 1X25102(f)25102(o)409A409A Report4 Years with a One Year Cliff83b Election -A- Accelerated VestingAcceleration ClauseAcceleratorAccredited InvestorAcquisitionAdministratorAdvisory BoardAlternative Minimum Tax (AMT)Amended and Restated Articles of IncorporationAmortizationAnalystAngel Fi

26 de mai. de 2015

Employee Equity: Dilution

Last week I kicked off my MBA Mondays series on Employee Equity. Today I am going to talk about one of the most important things you need to understand about employee equity; it is likely to be diluted over time. When you start a company, you and your founders own 100% of the company.

16 de mai. de 2015

Think Slack is just a billion-dollar chat app? You haven’t seen how this company is using it

If you pay any attention to the business software industry, you probably can’t hear enough about Slack’s status as belle of the proverbial tech ball.

12 de mai. de 2015

Financial planning for SaaS startups

The grey box at the left contains all assumptions (blue text color). Everything on the right is calculated, no hard-coded numbers there. I have, of course, used dummy numbers for all assumptions.

Avoiding Parkinson's Law of Triviality in your financial plan

In the last few years I've seen a lot of financial plans, and since we started Point Nine in the middle of last year that volume has been skyrocketing.

6 things to pre-empt 90% of Due Diligence

The founder of a portfolio company recently asked me what kind of numbers and other material he'll need when he goes into his next round of fundraising. He wanted to make sure that when he starts talking to new potential investors, he'll have answers ready to most of the questions he'll be asked.

A closer look at the 6 things to pre-empt 90% of Due Diligence

Since last week's post about 6-7 things to pre-empt 90% of Due Diligence was liked/shared/retweeted quite a bit, I'd like to follow up with some additional details on what exactly SaaS Series A/B investors will look for when you supply them with the data and material that I've mentioned.

Operating Partner, DFJ

This is a grim fairy tale about a mythical company and its mythical founder. While I concocted this story, I did so by drawing upon my sixteen years of experience as a venture capitalist, plus the fourteen years I spent before that as an entrepreneur.

Latam Founders

If you're curious about how to structure a successful accelerator program, read on to learn how the Brazil-based Aceleratech has tackled that task and penetrated the Brazilian startup tech market.

9 de mai. de 2015

Presente de Dia das Mães da Uber + BLZ — Medium

Para as mamães ficarem ainda mais bonitas em sua data, a Uber e o BLZ oferecem um presente especial neste sábado (9). Utilizando o código promocional UBERMAES ao pedir um carro da Uber, você e sua mãe poderão utilizar o serviço de manicure delivery do BLZ. Saiba como participar:

7 de mai. de 2015

Samir Rath

Digital technologies, data analytics and mobile apps are changing the face of financial services and forcing the whole industry to undergo a major digital transformation. By 2018, only U.S. investment in Fintech is projected to reach US$ 4.7bn.

'Pela primeira vez no Brasil, temos gente rica assustada'

Sócio majoritário do conglomerado Semco Partners e ex-professor de Harvard e do Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Ricardo Semler tornou-se um dos empresários brasileiros mais conhecidos no exterior nos anos 90 por aplicar em sua empresa princípios gerenciais que ficaram conhecidos com

29 de abr. de 2015

It's like an involuntary tick or a form of really boring Tourette's

From: Pauline OlsenDate: Monday 27 April 2015 10.12amTo: David ThorneSubject: Book signing dates Hello David, It's been bought to my attention that a list of upcoming book signing events was recently posted on your website with B&N stores named as venues.

19 de abr. de 2015

Bad Notes on Venture Capital


This week. On the phone … Me: So, you raised venture capital? Him: Yeah. We raised a seed round. About $1 million. Me: At what price? Him: It wasn’t priced. We raised a convertible note. Me: With a cap? Him: Yes, $8 million. Me: Ah. I see. So you did raise with a price.

11 de abr. de 2015

Holawhat? Meet The Alt-Management System Invented By A Programmer And Used By Zappos


Zappos, Medium, and David Allen have all embraced the non-hierarchical management system. Should your company adopt it too? Zappos CEO Tony Hsieh offered his nearly 4,000 employees an ultimatum last week: accept Holacracy or leave.

6 de abr. de 2015

Dois cafés e a conta com Ana Luisa Santos


No primeiro período da faculdade de Engenharia da UFRJ, só havia três alunas. No segundo semestre, sobrava apenas Ana Luisa Santos. Tem sido assim desde então. Com mestrado no Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), ela é um exceção no mundo predominantemente masculino da tecnologia.

30 de mar. de 2015

The Shut-In Economy


Angel the concierge stands behind a lobby desk at a luxe apartment building in downtown San Francisco, and describes the residents of this imperial, 37-story tower. “Ubers, Squares, a few Twitters,” she says. “A lot of work-from-homers.”

29 de mar. de 2015

Warming Up to the Manager’s Schedule — Medium


In Paul Graham’s 2009 blog post “Maker’s Schedule, Manager’s Schedule” he explains why programmers dislike meetings so much. As a technical cofounder who no longer codes, it has been a long transition to the manager’s schedule.

24 de mar. de 2015

The Fuzzy, Insane Math That's Creating So Many Billion-Dollar Tech Companies


Snapchat, the photo-messaging app raising cash at a $15 billion valuation, probably isn't actually worth more than Clorox or Campbell Soup. So where did investors come up with that enormous headline number?

Facebook's Tool That Speeds Up Apps Is Now for Everybody


Facebook wants to bring fast internet to the entire world, whether that means partnering with global telecoms or deploying drones to the most remote regions of the planet.

23 de mar. de 2015

As 49 startups para ficar de olho em 2015


SÃO PAULO – Durante a Campus Party, muitas startups aproveitam para tentar buscar mentores, aceleradoras e investidores para tirar o seu projeto do papel e tentar aumentar a base de clientes.

The Ultimate Growth Hacking Sourcebook


Take all of those fancy menus and buttons in your nav pane. Now ‘strip’ them out as if you were turning an old rust bucket into a hot rod Because that’s what you’re doing.

21 de mar. de 2015

19 de mar. de 2015

Latam Founders


Latam Founders Network is a private community comprised of the top executives, lawyers, investors and funded startups in Latin America. As a way to help the growing ecosystem in Latam we have launched Community to bring our members expert knowledge and insight to the ecosystem.

Save Our Inboxes! Adopt the Email Charter!


1. Respect Recipients' Time This is the fundamental rule. As the message sender, the onus is on YOU to minimize the time your email will take to process. Even if it means taking more time at your end before sending. 2. Short or Slow is not Rude Let's mutually agree to cut each other some slack.

7 de mar. de 2015

PetAnjo conecta cuidadores treinados a donos de animais de estimação


Com investimento inicial de R$ 150 mil e meta de faturar R$ 300 mil ainda em 2014, a PetAnjo acaba de entrar no concorrido mercado de animais de estimação.

4 de mar. de 2015

BEATS Brasil compra Startupi


A organizadora dos eventos DEMO no Brasil, Latam e Europa, liderada pela empreendedora Beatriz Nunes, anuncia a compra do Startupi, blog pioneiro criado em 2008 pelo investidor Michael Nicklas e editado ao longo desses anos pelo jornalista Diego Remus.

A tributação do ágio nas limitadas – Estadão


Boa parte das operações de investimento em startups são feitas por meio de empréstimo conversível (convertible note), em vez de participação direta no capital.

3 de mar. de 2015

16 Common Questions About Fundraising


For most companies, fundraising isn’t about $100-million rounds and “unicorns”. It’s often an anxiety-ridden, lonely, frustrating process filled with uncertainty and self doubt. Despite the stories out there, raising venture capital isn’t easy for most startups.

Ways to think about market size. — Benedict Evans

28 de fev. de 2015

How Can I Make My PowerPoint Presentations Amazing?


Dear Lifehacker, I have been tasked to make a slideshow for an event at work. I don’t want to make a generic PowerPoint with just boring text or pictures. What are some ways I can enhance the slideshow so it looks impressive and knocks the socks off my audience?

Seven Free Add-ins and Apps to Supercharge Microsoft Office


Microsoft Office is already a robust, feature-filled office suite. If you want to make it even easier and boost your productivity, here are seven awesome, free add-ins and apps for your downloading pleasure.

25 de fev. de 2015

Bridge Group 2015 SaaS Inside Sales Survey Report


Survey results from 342 B2B SaaS companies on key inside sales metrics including group structure, ramp and retention, quota and compensation, activity & technology and leadership. The SaaS model has become mainstream, and is everywhere.

23 de fev. de 2015

Tem dúvidas sobre Tour Universidade Zendesk - São Paulo? Contacte Zendesk Brasil


Quantidade inválida. Introduza uma quantidade igual ou superior a 1. A quantidade que escolheu excede a quantidade disponível. Introduza o seu nome. Introduza um endereço de correio eletrónico. Introduza um endereço de correio eletrónico válido. Introduza a sua mensagem ou comentários.

21 de fev. de 2015

Startup advice, briefly


This is a very short summary with lots left out—here is the long version: http://ift.tt/YPg63E You should start with an idea, not a company.

13 de fev. de 2015

Green Bubbles: How Apple Quietly Gets iPhone Users To Hate Android Users


Paul Ford, once again, has written up something fascinating. He discusses something I had no idea happened: when an iPhone user texts with another iPhone user using iMessage, the outgoing texts appear in calm blue bubbles.

12 de fev. de 2015

Brasil Ventures


Para isso, foi criado o : um grupo de discussões aberto, voltado para o crescimento do Corporate Venturing brasileiro.

11 de fev. de 2015

5 startups inovadoras da Campus Party 2015


As startups foram mais uma vez os destaques da Campus Party. Neste ano, elas foram divididas em dois grupos: nos primeiros dois dias do evento, ficaram expostas 100 startups em estágio de desenvolvimento mais avançado. Nos dois últimos, 100 startups em estágio inicial.

6 de fev. de 2015

12 Signs Your Company Has An Enviable Workplace Culture


Use these signs to build a healthy company culture, one employee at a time. Many years ago I worked for a small organization that was effecting change on a national level. It was known for excellence, vision, and world-class leadership. It had a clear mission and strategy.

3 de fev. de 2015

Real User Case: Bad SQL Code


This post is about a real use case from one of our clients who used Nazar.io to solve a big performance issue on his application. The idea is not to explore the solution it self but to show how to use the informations from our analytics to drive your optimization activities.

1 de fev. de 2015

Facebook officially kills organic reach for brands, making all your Page "Likes" useless


You can stop trying to get those Page likes now. Over the weekend, Facebook finally announced what most marketers knew already, that it will kill organic reach for brand's Facebook Pages, starting as early as January.

31 de jan. de 2015

Leaving Facebook...


NoticeSomething Went WrongSorry, there was a problem with this link: http://flip.it/B0ysaYou can now continue to this website, or go back to the page you were on before.Remember, only follow links from sources you trust.

29 de jan. de 2015

Zappos is bringing Uber-like surge pay to the workplace


In September, Zappos chief executive officer Tony Hsieh was wandering the halls of the online retailer’s Las Vegas headquarters and noticed that the customer service center’s walls were covered—floor to ceiling—with sheets of printer paper.

StartSales - Identificando estratégias de vendas para startups!

27 de jan. de 2015

Marissa Mayer's New Rule For App Design


If yes — the app is a go. If no, it's back to the drawing board. She developed them during her time running Google's user-interface product reviews, when every product the company launched had to be approved by her first.

16 de jan. de 2015

Three structuring options for reorganizing your Latin America startup in the U.S.  


You’ve built your operations in Latin America using funding from local friends and family and Angel investors and you are ready to raise a Series A round of financing (usually U.S.$1-3 million from institutional investors). First, congratulations.