28 de fev. de 2015

How Can I Make My PowerPoint Presentations Amazing?


Dear Lifehacker, I have been tasked to make a slideshow for an event at work. I don’t want to make a generic PowerPoint with just boring text or pictures. What are some ways I can enhance the slideshow so it looks impressive and knocks the socks off my audience?

Seven Free Add-ins and Apps to Supercharge Microsoft Office


Microsoft Office is already a robust, feature-filled office suite. If you want to make it even easier and boost your productivity, here are seven awesome, free add-ins and apps for your downloading pleasure.

25 de fev. de 2015

Bridge Group 2015 SaaS Inside Sales Survey Report


Survey results from 342 B2B SaaS companies on key inside sales metrics including group structure, ramp and retention, quota and compensation, activity & technology and leadership. The SaaS model has become mainstream, and is everywhere.

23 de fev. de 2015

Tem dúvidas sobre Tour Universidade Zendesk - São Paulo? Contacte Zendesk Brasil


Quantidade inválida. Introduza uma quantidade igual ou superior a 1. A quantidade que escolheu excede a quantidade disponível. Introduza o seu nome. Introduza um endereço de correio eletrónico. Introduza um endereço de correio eletrónico válido. Introduza a sua mensagem ou comentários.

21 de fev. de 2015

Startup advice, briefly


This is a very short summary with lots left out—here is the long version: http://ift.tt/YPg63E You should start with an idea, not a company.

13 de fev. de 2015

Green Bubbles: How Apple Quietly Gets iPhone Users To Hate Android Users


Paul Ford, once again, has written up something fascinating. He discusses something I had no idea happened: when an iPhone user texts with another iPhone user using iMessage, the outgoing texts appear in calm blue bubbles.

12 de fev. de 2015

Brasil Ventures


Para isso, foi criado o : um grupo de discussões aberto, voltado para o crescimento do Corporate Venturing brasileiro.

11 de fev. de 2015

5 startups inovadoras da Campus Party 2015


As startups foram mais uma vez os destaques da Campus Party. Neste ano, elas foram divididas em dois grupos: nos primeiros dois dias do evento, ficaram expostas 100 startups em estágio de desenvolvimento mais avançado. Nos dois últimos, 100 startups em estágio inicial.

6 de fev. de 2015

12 Signs Your Company Has An Enviable Workplace Culture


Use these signs to build a healthy company culture, one employee at a time. Many years ago I worked for a small organization that was effecting change on a national level. It was known for excellence, vision, and world-class leadership. It had a clear mission and strategy.

3 de fev. de 2015

Real User Case: Bad SQL Code


This post is about a real use case from one of our clients who used Nazar.io to solve a big performance issue on his application. The idea is not to explore the solution it self but to show how to use the informations from our analytics to drive your optimization activities.

1 de fev. de 2015

Facebook officially kills organic reach for brands, making all your Page "Likes" useless


You can stop trying to get those Page likes now. Over the weekend, Facebook finally announced what most marketers knew already, that it will kill organic reach for brand's Facebook Pages, starting as early as January.