31 de jan. de 2015

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29 de jan. de 2015

Zappos is bringing Uber-like surge pay to the workplace


In September, Zappos chief executive officer Tony Hsieh was wandering the halls of the online retailer’s Las Vegas headquarters and noticed that the customer service center’s walls were covered—floor to ceiling—with sheets of printer paper.

StartSales - Identificando estratégias de vendas para startups!

27 de jan. de 2015

Marissa Mayer's New Rule For App Design


If yes — the app is a go. If no, it's back to the drawing board. She developed them during her time running Google's user-interface product reviews, when every product the company launched had to be approved by her first.

16 de jan. de 2015

Three structuring options for reorganizing your Latin America startup in the U.S.  


You’ve built your operations in Latin America using funding from local friends and family and Angel investors and you are ready to raise a Series A round of financing (usually U.S.$1-3 million from institutional investors). First, congratulations.