25 de jun. de 2015

What noticeable exits has Brazil seen in recent years?

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18 de jun. de 2015

Grandes empresas saem à caça de startups

São Paulo - Os cerca de 300 corretores da incorporadora Tecnisa, em São Paulo, passaram anos enchendo seus carros com catálogos dos imóveis à venda — o que geralmente resultava em bagunça, papéis amassados e perda de tempo.

Legislação de Estágio

Estagiários convocados para trabalhar nas eleições!

17 de jun. de 2015

Como demitir um funcionário da melhor maneira.

Quem já foi desligado de um emprego sabe o quanto pode ser desconfortável e triste ficar sabendo de uma notícia como essa.

12 de jun. de 2015

$10 Billion

Ten years after the seed accelerator model was pioneered, Seed-DB has now identified over $10 billion that has been invested in accelerator graduates.

6 de jun. de 2015

6WunderKinder’s exit is a Triple Wake Up Call

Today is an important day for the European technology landscape. As my friend Amir Mizroch reported in the WSJ, 6Wunderkinder GmbH (maker of WunderList) was acquired by Microsoft for a price rumored to be between $100M and $200M.

How Ever-Higher Valuations Lead Unicorns Into A Cycle Of Private Capital Dependency

Unicorns and dragons have become so ubiquitous that some argue investing in these companies is the only way for VCs to survive. This phenomenon makes for excellent entertainment, and for some either incredibly lucky or prophetic investors, there are billions of dollars to be made.