26 de out. de 2013

Don’t Found a Company unless you Love Excel


“(Venture backed) Startups are all about math. Sooner founders realize that, the less emotional trauma & confusion they’ll experience.” - Om Malik (@om) Excel. Yes, you may scoff at it because it is a Microsoft product. Or you may thumb your nose at it because only accountants use it.

A New Front Door For USV


This won't be news to many of you who figured this out a while ago. But USV has a new front door and has had it for a few weeks now. I blogged about the desire for a new usv.com back in June of 2012, when we started thinking about what the new website should be.

21 de out. de 2013

Halo Report


April 17, 2013: In collaboration with and , Angel Resource Institute released the 2012 today, a national survey of angel group investment activity, as the Angel Capital Association gears up for its biggest event of the year in San Francisco this week.

18 de out. de 2013

Ouvindo textos da internet no ônibus

Não tem tempo para ler aquele texto super interessante que o fundador da Aceleratech acabou de recomendar? Ouça no caminho para casa, no seu celular.

Instale a extensão para Chrome do https://soundgecko.com, clique nela e o serviço gerará um arquivo de áudio lido por robôs simpáticos. A qualidade da leitura é impressionante (em inglês, claro) e eu uso diariamente.
Existe um aplicativo do Soundgecko para Android (talvez para iOS também?), mas que não funciona em modo offline. Por isso, eu pego a URL de RSS que o serviço gera para cada usuário e adiciono no meu aplicativo de podcasts (eu uso o Podkicker e estou testando o Podcast Addict).

15 de out. de 2013

Closing Reflections


The journey from founding, to multiple rounds of financing, to IPO, was not easy. All startups go through real Valley-of-the-Shadow moments, in which they wonder why they ever thought their business was a good idea. At LinkedIn, we had these moments.

10 de out. de 2013

Estrategista Visual


Neste livro totalmente gratuito fizemos uma coletânea de 17 ferramentas de negócios para te ajudar a inovar usando recursos visuais. Você também pode divulgar para seu amigos utilizando nossa barra de compartilhamento abaixo.

8 de out. de 2013

As inscrições para a terceira turma da Aceleratech estão abertas

A turma 02 de aceleração ainda está no primeiro mês de aceleração, mas nós já estamos procurando por mais startups para a próxima turma de aceleração: Aceleratech 03.

A aceleração deve ocorrer no primeiro semestre de 2014, após março e está programada para coincidir com as datas do Startup Brasil, programa do governo brasileiro (MCTI) de fomento a startups: http://startupbrasil.mcti.gov.br.

Para se inscrever no programa de aceleração da Aceleratech, basta clicar no botão abaixo, que leva direto ao nosso perfil na plataforma de inscrições f6s.com:


O seguinte link também funciona: http://www.f6s.com/aceleratech03#/apply

7 de out. de 2013

The Most Undervalued Skill to Become More Persuasive


In this post I want to highlight one skill that can help you become more more persuasive in life and business. This skill has been pigeon-holed within one business discipline which has prevented throngs of people from accessing its power that could be taking advantage of it.

66 Things That Make a Great Venture Capitalist


When we ask what makes a great Venture Capitalist, we should look at the answer from the entrepreneur’s perspective, because I have not met a VC who was successful by not backing great entrepreneurs. Of course, VCs have their own internal metrics of success (e.g.

Breaking Down a Typical VC/Startup Diligence Process


Below is my general outline for a typical diligence process. When I’m meeting a startup for the first time, my goal is to understand as much about the business and team as I can.

Brian Watson

How to Create a Content Strategy (In Only 652 Steps)


This is a really, really, really long piece. There's no TL;DR version. That's because a content audit has a lot of steps.

6 de out. de 2013

The best writing of the week, October 6 | The Verge

... December 23; Dec 16 The best tech writing of the week, December 16; Dec 9 The best tech writing of the week, December 9; Dec 2 The best tech writing of the ...

via Google Alert - site:.theverge.com "The best tech writing of the week" http://www.google.com/url?q=http://www.theverge.com/2013/10/6/4806068/the-best-writing-of-the-week-october-6&ct=ga&cd=&cad=CAI&usg=AFQjCNGU8FLEASeUCPo5VfNYgUw42ewuTw

3 de out. de 2013

Advice to a Non-Technical CEO of a Software Startup


One of the challenges of an early stage software start-up is whether to have a non-technical CEO who has a good set of relationships with prospective customers, or to have a CEO who really understands the technology and the art of software development.

Sebrae e CNI vão premiar empresas com R$ 300 mil – e isso inclui startups


Atenção, startupeiros: que tal faturar um prêmio de R$ 300 mil? Estão abertas as inscrições para o Prêmio Nacional de Inovação – Edição 2013 até o dia 31 de outubro, e feitas exclusivamente pelo site.

Apple’s Fingerprint ID May Mean You Can’t ‘Take the Fifth’


There’s a lot of talk around biometric authentication since Apple introduced its newest iPhone, which will let users unlock their device with a fingerprint. Given Apple’s industry-leading position, it’s probably not a far stretch to expect this kind of authentication to take off.

What Happens At Y Combinator


Y Combinator runs two three-month funding cycles a year, one from January through March and one from June through August.

2 de out. de 2013

Netflix expands its streaming library with final seasons of 'The Office ...

Netflix's original programming is currently grabbing awards and plaudits, but the streaming service hasn't given up the base of its business: licensed shows.

via Google Alert - site:.theverge.com "The best writing of the week" http://www.google.com/url?q=http://www.theverge.com/2013/10/1/4792780/netflix-expands-its-streaming-library-final-seasons-30-rock-the-office&ct=ga&cd=&cad=CAI&usg=AFQjCNFcvA5-p5--CUlpaV5t9oFy66TnTA

The Amazon Warehouses

1 de out. de 2013

Why you should pitch your business with Excel, not PowerPoint Add to ...


For the founder who trembles at the thought of pitching to investors, a new workshop from Montreal-based FounderFuel and Real Ventures may help. Their approach to the pitch is straightforward and sensible, but they don't play down the number of hours it takes to craft, refine and deliver it.