21 de ago. de 2014

Raising a Seed Round – The Spreadsheet


A deck of slides and a spreadsheet are usually sufficient to raise a seed round. The deck has received a lot of attention; there is a great variety of quality resources out there on how to go after it. Here, I’ll focus on the spreadsheet, which has mostly gone unnoticed.

20 de ago. de 2014

Positioning Your Startup is Vital — Here’s How to Nail It


When Arielle Jackson started to develop the marketing and communications plan around Cover (the Android app quickly snapped up by Twitter), she brought a lot of firepower to the job. During her nearly nine years at Google, she managed product marketing for Gmail, Docs, Calendar and Voice.

16 de ago. de 2014

11 de ago. de 2014

Why Most VCs Won’t Intro You To Other VCs (Unless You Follow These Steps)


The question I get asked most often is “would Homebrew like to invest in my startup” (and we do our fair share of chasing too -> “please let us invest in your startup!”).

The Ultimate SaaS Pricing Resources Guide


Getting pricing right is one of the most difficult — and important — challenges a SaaS company faces. In this guide you’ll find the best resources available to help you determine your ideal pricing model.